Posted in .NET Beginner Dev Intermediate Tutorials

Middleware in ASP.Net Core – part II

Dan Patrascu-Baba

Dan Patrascu-Baba

Developer, consultant, trainer at Codewrinkles
,Net Developer.Focusing on both the .Net world and Microsoft Azure. Experienced speaker and trainer.
Dan Patrascu-Baba

Few days ago I wrote a short tutorial about middleware in ASP.Net Core and I promised to continue the topic, since there are some concepts…

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Posted in .NET Beginner Dev Tutorials

Middleware in ASP.Net Core – part I

Dan Patrascu-Baba

Dan Patrascu-Baba

Developer, consultant, trainer at Codewrinkles
,Net Developer.Focusing on both the .Net world and Microsoft Azure. Experienced speaker and trainer.
Dan Patrascu-Baba

Middleware is a very important topic in ASP.Net Core since it enables you to add very important functionality, like adding necessary configuration to deploy ASP.Net…

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Posted in Dev General IT Op-Ed

Do you want to become a software developer? Here’s how!

Dan Patrascu-Baba

Dan Patrascu-Baba

Developer, consultant, trainer at Codewrinkles
,Net Developer.Focusing on both the .Net world and Microsoft Azure. Experienced speaker and trainer.
Dan Patrascu-Baba

So, do you want to become a software developer and you didn’t graduate computer science? Do you feel that “your time has passed” and you…

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Posted in .NET Dev

Create your own reusable C# libraries targeting .Net Standard

Dan Patrascu-Baba

Dan Patrascu-Baba

Developer, consultant, trainer at Codewrinkles
,Net Developer.Focusing on both the .Net world and Microsoft Azure. Experienced speaker and trainer.
Dan Patrascu-Baba

A while back I tried to “demistify” the main concepts around .Net Core, .Net Standard and .Net Framework, since there were (and still are) a…

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Posted in .NET Tutorials

C# enum friendly names

Dan Patrascu-Baba

Dan Patrascu-Baba

Developer, consultant, trainer at Codewrinkles
,Net Developer.Focusing on both the .Net world and Microsoft Azure. Experienced speaker and trainer.
Dan Patrascu-Baba

If you develop using C# and the .Net ecosystem, chances are that you will need to use enums at a certain point. The enum keyword is…

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