Speaking engagements

I enjoy a lot getting in touch with fellow enthusiasts at different conferences, community meetups, user groups and any other occasion. It happens that I also give talks at such events. Here’s a brief list of my past and future engagements.


  • DevConf, Krakow, Poland on Sepember 26-27: Microservices from the trenches. When buzzwords don’t make your application work
  • .Net Fest, Kiev, Ukraine on October 25-26: Architecting Blazor applications – an Angular inspired approach
  • Wine and Tech, Timisoara, Romania, October 10: Running C# in the browser with Blazor



  • ITCamp community event, Timisoara, Romania on June 6. Topic: Databases for modern applications
  • Codecamp Timisoara conference, Timisoara, Romania, October. Topic: Running C# in the browser using Blazor
  • Asp.Net Core bootcamp in Arieseni, Romania. Topic: Running C# in the browser using Blazor
  • Codecamp Bucharest conference, Bucharest, Romania, November 10. Topic: Running C# in the browser using Blazor


Dan Patrascu-Baba

Dan Patrascu-Baba

Developer, consultant, trainer at Codewrinkles
,Net Developer.Focusing on both the .Net world and Microsoft Azure. Experienced speaker and trainer.
Dan Patrascu-Baba

1 thought on “Speaking engagements

  1. Salut,

    foarte frumoasa treaba faci, am dat acum din întâmplare peste un articol de-al tău despre Configuration and environments pentru .net core… ceva nu merge cum aș vrea eu și…. mi se pare super ca am dat de site-ul tău încă din primele rezultate.
    Super treaba !
    Tine-o tot așa !

    Darius si Alina 🙂

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