Category: Dev
Using Ocelot in a dockerized application
Dan Patrascu-Baba
Latest posts by Dan Patrascu-Baba (see all)
- Configuration and environments in ASP.NET Core - 25/11/2019
- GraphQL in the .NET ecosystem - 19/11/2019
- A common use case of delegating handlers in ASP.NET API - 12/11/2019
Some time ago I played around with Ocelot, since I needed to create an API gateway for a personal project I was working on. By…
Manipulating response headers in ASP.Net Core
Dan Patrascu-Baba
Latest posts by Dan Patrascu-Baba (see all)
- Configuration and environments in ASP.NET Core - 25/11/2019
- GraphQL in the .NET ecosystem - 19/11/2019
- A common use case of delegating handlers in ASP.NET API - 12/11/2019
HTTP headers are small pieces of additional information in form of key/value pairs that travel around the internet. You can find them in virtually all…
An overview of Razor Components (server-side Blazor)
Dan Patrascu-Baba
Latest posts by Dan Patrascu-Baba (see all)
- Configuration and environments in ASP.NET Core - 25/11/2019
- GraphQL in the .NET ecosystem - 19/11/2019
- A common use case of delegating handlers in ASP.NET API - 12/11/2019
I wrote about Blazor some time ago. Blazor is really cool in my opinion and, in a certain way, the future of web development (even…
How to integrate Ocelot with Identity Server 4
Dan Patrascu-Baba
Latest posts by Dan Patrascu-Baba (see all)
- Configuration and environments in ASP.NET Core - 25/11/2019
- GraphQL in the .NET ecosystem - 19/11/2019
- A common use case of delegating handlers in ASP.NET API - 12/11/2019
Not so long ago I wrote an article on how we can create our own API gateways using the Ocelot open source library. Since then,…
Building your own ASP.Net Core API gateway with Ocelot
Dan Patrascu-Baba
Latest posts by Dan Patrascu-Baba (see all)
- Configuration and environments in ASP.NET Core - 25/11/2019
- GraphQL in the .NET ecosystem - 19/11/2019
- A common use case of delegating handlers in ASP.NET API - 12/11/2019
I’m currently working on some very interesting stuff and one of it is building an Asp.Net Core API gateway. An API gateway might be a…
The quest for a perfect IDaaS solution
Dan Patrascu-Baba
Latest posts by Dan Patrascu-Baba (see all)
- Configuration and environments in ASP.NET Core - 25/11/2019
- GraphQL in the .NET ecosystem - 19/11/2019
- A common use case of delegating handlers in ASP.NET API - 12/11/2019
Every discussion about security should start with a discussion about identity and access management, while other type of management like business management which you can…
The curious case of strings in C#
Dan Patrascu-Baba
Latest posts by Dan Patrascu-Baba (see all)
- Configuration and environments in ASP.NET Core - 25/11/2019
- GraphQL in the .NET ecosystem - 19/11/2019
- A common use case of delegating handlers in ASP.NET API - 12/11/2019
In the last article I tried to describe the difference between value types and reference types in C# and I received some interesting feedback from…
Reference types and value types in .NET
Dan Patrascu-Baba
Latest posts by Dan Patrascu-Baba (see all)
- Configuration and environments in ASP.NET Core - 25/11/2019
- GraphQL in the .NET ecosystem - 19/11/2019
- A common use case of delegating handlers in ASP.NET API - 12/11/2019
In .NET (and therefore C#) there are two main sorts of type: reference types and value types! Understanding these sorts of type is crucial in the .Net ecosystem and,…
Sorting lists in C#
Dan Patrascu-Baba
Latest posts by Dan Patrascu-Baba (see all)
- Configuration and environments in ASP.NET Core - 25/11/2019
- GraphQL in the .NET ecosystem - 19/11/2019
- A common use case of delegating handlers in ASP.NET API - 12/11/2019
Working with lists is something developers do almost everyday. One of the most common tasks when we think about lists is sorting them. Fortunately, sorting…
Middleware in ASP.Net Core – part II
Dan Patrascu-Baba
Latest posts by Dan Patrascu-Baba (see all)
- Configuration and environments in ASP.NET Core - 25/11/2019
- GraphQL in the .NET ecosystem - 19/11/2019
- A common use case of delegating handlers in ASP.NET API - 12/11/2019
Few days ago I wrote a short tutorial about middleware in ASP.Net Core and I promised to continue the topic, since there are some concepts…